fall 2017
Table of Contents
Return to Home PageSomebody Else's Heroes Small Change Jocko Benoit
Unsolicited Relationship Advice Erin Kirsh
Ecstasy Like Water to Soften Leather Jasmine Sky
qualifications for your consideration Laura Yan
cold bright waves for sorrow leaf kotasek
The Travel Section Ghost Train Christopher Levenson
Limits New York Brian Jerrold Koester
The Malice in My Footsteps Conyer Clayton
Ode to a Desiccated Olive (Love is easier the headless way) James Cagney
Familiar Pianissimo Jennifer van Alstyne
Stereotypes like like i love you Andrew Warner
Pamplemousse Dominique Bernier-Cormier
Persuasion Freedom of Speech Emma Winsor Wood
Rebelling Unrest Errata Dani Spinosa
What It Is About to Do Le Mouton Noir Dessa Bayrock
* (It was a lake, used to bodies :islands) * (Arm over arm you expect) Simon Perchik
The Travel Section
Mostly nowadays I flicker through quickly, noting
the blue glare of Aegean surf, safari trips
in Botswana, treks in Nepal, but then discard
their glossy come-ons in the recycling bin.
My legs give up on me, sheer will power’s never enough
to make it up Machu Pichu or reach Vladivostok
on the Trans-Siberian Railway.
In my mind a world traveller at fifteen,
I retrace forays to West End Embassies
to collect brochures for Cyprus, Connecticut
—impossible destinations. Though never one
for five-star beach resorts or luxury cruises
I am still game for anywhere unknown.
On that final repositioning
I’ll travel light, take my chances. I am on standby.