fall 2017
Table of Contents
Return to Home PagePersuasion Freedom of Speech Emma Winsor Wood
Rebelling Unrest Errata Dani Spinosa
Ode to a Desiccated Olive (Love is easier the headless way) James Cagney
Pamplemousse Dominique Bernier-Cormier
Stereotypes like like i love you Andrew Warner
The Malice in My Footsteps Conyer Clayton
Ecstasy Like Water to Soften Leather Jasmine Sky
The Travel Section Ghost Train Christopher Levenson
What It Is About to Do Le Mouton Noir Dessa Bayrock
Somebody Else's Heroes Small Change Jocko Benoit
Limits New York Brian Jerrold Koester
Unsolicited Relationship Advice Erin Kirsh
qualifications for your consideration Laura Yan
Familiar Pianissimo Jennifer van Alstyne
cold bright waves for sorrow leaf kotasek
* (It was a lake, used to bodies :islands) * (Arm over arm you expect) Simon Perchik
(Love is easier the headless way)
-after René Magritte’s Duo/ The Lovers, 1928
Love is easier the headless way
What good is desire in a world
where there is only a thriving darkness
Your mouth is a gate
opening to any place away from here—
the crumbling mansion of my nothing heart
With this form-fitting cloth
I do wed
Let us spill into one another
like waves of agitated milk
placing our thoughts elsewhere
onto unavailable others
while our useless arms
disappear into what frames us:
bench/ bed/ brothel of the mind
Everywhere we turn
winter remains unfinished
You don’t trust your mouth
and I don’t trust anyone
who says they love me
What are we willing to emotionally
barter for when all we have
is the simple meat of ourselves
And who can say what color the world
was before the earth’s canvas
began flowering paint
I have this recurring dream
where we live nameless as mushrooms
in their shadow of primeval birds—
birds who eluded anthropologists
and didn’t want the press
But who agreed to soar forever
without landing
and seed the earth with minerals of light
I awake usually in a choking grief
How we’ve agreed to love one another
without ever opening our eyes
to the truth