fall 2017
Table of Contents
Return to Home PageStereotypes like like i love you Andrew Warner
Unsolicited Relationship Advice Erin Kirsh
qualifications for your consideration Laura Yan
Limits New York Brian Jerrold Koester
* (It was a lake, used to bodies :islands) * (Arm over arm you expect) Simon Perchik
The Travel Section Ghost Train Christopher Levenson
Familiar Pianissimo Jennifer van Alstyne
Somebody Else's Heroes Small Change Jocko Benoit
cold bright waves for sorrow leaf kotasek
What It Is About to Do Le Mouton Noir Dessa Bayrock
Rebelling Unrest Errata Dani Spinosa
Pamplemousse Dominique Bernier-Cormier
The Malice in My Footsteps Conyer Clayton
Persuasion Freedom of Speech Emma Winsor Wood
Ode to a Desiccated Olive (Love is easier the headless way) James Cagney
Ecstasy Like Water to Soften Leather Jasmine Sky
Ghost Train
From the years just after the War I remember them
in the fairgrounds of battered South Coast resorts
or at the far end of piers, their clunky darkness
competing with Wurlitzers and the slot machines
that told your penny fortune or let you almost see
what the butler saw. Outdated Gothic bric-a-brac,
witches, skeletons, bloody tendrils of flesh
oozing from canvas walls—a makeshift horror
for those of us too young to have known the real thing.
Those who have never set foot in the past would not understand
how the eight-track massacre’s caught in perpetual motion,
how the fairground music will never stop,
how the ghost trains still run on time