fall 2017
Table of Contents
Return to Home Pagecold bright waves for sorrow leaf kotasek
What It Is About to Do Le Mouton Noir Dessa Bayrock
Unsolicited Relationship Advice
Erin Kirsh
Rebelling Unrest Errata Dani Spinosa
* (It was a lake, used to bodies :islands) * (Arm over arm you expect) Simon Perchik
Pamplemousse Dominique Bernier-Cormier
Jennifer van Alstyne
New York
Brian Jerrold Koester
Parallel Kingdom Elaine Woo
for your consideration
Laura Yan
Somebody Else's Heroes
Small Change
Jocko Benoit
Ode to a Desiccated Olive
(Love is easier the headless way)
James Cagney
Ecstasy Like Water to Soften Leather Jasmine Sky
Freedom of Speech
Emma Winsor Wood
Stereotypes like like i love you Andrew Warner
The Malice in My Footsteps
Conyer Clayton
The Travel Section Ghost Train Christopher Levenson
Parallel Kingdom
Thousands of miles across the sea, in a land of haw trees and lotus
blossoms, the Monkey King ruptures from a stone. He bears concrete
muscles, girth of great circumference; boasts magical prowess.
Oversight: burdened with non-transformable always-there-tail.
Dressed in a suit of gold, armed with a sword of light, the Monkey King,
glinting like sun-struck tears, desiring to be the mightiest, raises an army
of monkeys against heaven; a sea of heads round and rough as coconuts,
from a single hair plucked from his arm.
Buddha, affronted, punishes the Monkey King by incarcerating him
as the dot under the punctuation-mark-mountain to languish, reflect
for a brief 500 years.