fall 2015
Table of Contents
Return to Home Pagea rose is a rose is a rose manhattan Nikki Reimer
Yellow Flowers
The World Dream
Ann Filemyr
revenge/reincarnation annie ross
Can't Stomach Mitchell Grabois
Why, And for What Purpose
Is There Something
Ace Bogess
The Stale Cold Smell of Morning
Angela Rebrec
Darkening Over Still Water Richard King Perkins II
Fast-slow Continuum
Peycho Kanev
Fault Vodka / Blame Juice Jamie Sharpe
Brains Lost to the Earth Melissa Nelson
The Insidious Susurration
A Conversation
Marie-Andree Auclair
A Fire Hydrant on Camino de la Amapola
Good to See You
Eleanor Kedney
The Day Everyone Realized Ron Riekki
A Monday The Devil Valentina Cano
Word on the Street
Henry Rappaport
QED A Moth In Rain Christopher Patton
what do you talk about
desire derives pleasure
aren't we missing every thing
gary lundy
Saturday Night
Charles Springer
(Ouverture) Garry Thomas Morse
the neighbors knew i divined water
Hell is hot
Allison DeLauer
Girl I
Girl II
Carolyn Supinka
In the Cyberspace Icicle Changming Yuan
The Story of Chitin Giri Zoe Dagneault

aren't we missing everything
aren't we missing everything by plying memory for sustenance. instead engage radically present tense. cancel out the show right in front of our faces. yet the writing seems always a more alive behind immediate moment.
there is a one who laughs just like the one my former older lover rather. every time i hear the laughter my mind races to crawl back under the covers. protection in the small attic room. belongings scattered mimicking the sharp slope of walls.
those times i see a stranger as one to whom i might give myself once again. there must be a someone who might discover a meaning to open me. reduce sorrow to a time prior. a day lit with gorgeous blue hope.
i think today i'll go looking for you. the one i've yet to meet. the one who might evolve into a future lover. to read onto his body my body. our lips tangle upon skin pleasures. to finally once again offer what's left of myself. to take time out of measuring this comfort and penetration.