fall 2015
Table of Contents
Return to Home Pagea rose is a rose is a rose manhattan Nikki Reimer
Why, And for What Purpose Is There Something Ace Bogess
the neighbors knew i divined water Hell is hot Allison DeLauer
In the Cyberspace Icicle Changming Yuan
A Fire Hydrant on Camino de la Amapola Good to See You Eleanor Kedney
(Ouverture) Garry Thomas Morse
Brains Lost to the Earth Melissa Nelson
Can't Stomach Mitchell Grabois
The Day Everyone Realized Ron Riekki
Alcohol Fast-slow Continuum Peycho Kanev
Saturday Night Charles Springer
Fault Vodka / Blame Juice Jamie Sharpe
The Insidious Susurration A Conversation Marie-Andree Auclair
revenge/reincarnation annie ross
The Stale Cold Smell of Morning Angela Rebrec
Yellow Flowers The World Dream Ann Filemyr
QED A Moth In Rain Christopher Patton
A Monday The Devil Valentina Cano
what do you talk about desire derives pleasure aren't we missing every thing gary lundy
Word on the Street Henry Rappaport
Darkening Over Still Water Richard King Perkins II
The Story of Chitin Giri Zoe Dagneault
Girl I Girl II Carolyn Supinka
Why no dotted rhythms whenever we arrive
late eludes, why no fanfare to match a monarch
grappling with gout, a light march
to say the least—
no time to talk either, no unique chamber
full of new chamber music, nods and knowing
looks over such complexifications—ah, little
snub nose you’ll be the death of me—or one of those
classical hiccoughs that nearly makes you drop
that utensil you are not holding properly—
immoral as ever, feigning an immortal air
one may observe in a pretty
ostentatious bust, somehow fishing
Versailles out of faint salmon run
what is the harm then in playing
impresario or minor ‘Noble
Savage’, like any petit-bourgeois
setting up shop as Louis XIV
with opera flooding ‘Fauxhemia’
to the point of financial ruin, or
d’Artagnan leading away our own
Ministers, not picturesque enough
for the pictures, tending to believe
Lulli would handle it “gangnam style”
yet still unwilling to shell out royalties
for singing along when everything is free anyway, Ovid’s
frogs in the fountain sole reminders you might have towed
the line—
us, being too français We, being
too Deutsch too un-Nation-y
why no dotted why no besotted
rhythms hymns
why no too
luxuriantly plotted uxorious
hyacinth in tone
the mottle of Molière’s lungs
in Le Malade Imaginaire
a light march (alla
to match marcia)
flapping monarch
molto troppo
too something too many