fall 2015
Table of Contents
Return to Home PageFault Vodka / Blame Juice Jamie Sharpe
(Ouverture) Garry Thomas Morse
The Day Everyone Realized Ron Riekki
Jo Baeza
Can't Stomach Mitchell Grabois
the neighbors knew i divined water
Hell is hot
Allison DeLauer
Girl I
Girl II
Carolyn Supinka
A Fire Hydrant on Camino de la Amapola
Good to See You
Eleanor Kedney
a rose is a rose is a rose manhattan Nikki Reimer
revenge/reincarnation annie ross
In the Cyberspace Icicle Changming Yuan
The Stale Cold Smell of Morning
Angela Rebrec
Brains Lost to the Earth Melissa Nelson
Fast-slow Continuum
Peycho Kanev
A Monday The Devil Valentina Cano
Why, And for What Purpose
Is There Something
Ace Bogess
Saturday Night
Charles Springer
The Insidious Susurration
A Conversation
Marie-Andree Auclair
what do you talk about
desire derives pleasure
aren't we missing every thing
gary lundy
Yellow Flowers
The World Dream
Ann Filemyr
QED A Moth In Rain Christopher Patton
Darkening Over Still Water Richard King Perkins II
The Story of Chitin Giri Zoe Dagneault
Word on the Street
Henry Rappaport

I weather like
an old cedar fencepost,
listing downstream
in a sandy watergap,
supported by strands
of sagging wire,
waiting for the spring floods
to bring me down.