spring 2016
Table of Contents
Return to Home Page
I Saw the Best Minds of My Generation
Christopher Evans
Year In Review
Starling Advice
Amie Whittemore
All Bones Hunger a Home
Ashley-Elizabeth Best
A conversation with a massage therapist
Francine Cunningham
Ottawa Hospital: Eating Disorder Ward
Fan Palms
Mallory Tater
There's So Much to Tell You
On Some Good Days
Alison Braid
air mattress
the clinic printed off a calendar
B.J. Best
On Buying a Second Pair of Birkenstocks
Pamela Mosher

Best to keep them wondering
where you’ve gone.
Create an auto-reply but remain cryptic.
You are away from your desk.
You may not have access to the Internet.
You may not respond to questions.
Suggest that anyone trying to contact you
would be better off contacting someone else;
probably best to suggest management, or an executive,
though the temptation to recommend, instead, pinot noir
and a good book
may be strong. You are away.
Whether bed-ridden
or beach-lounging, no need to specify.
The e-mail will pile up. The voicemail will net all calls.
You are absent.
You may return soon.