spring 2021
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The Guilt of Not Wanting
Ashley Prince
Fits and Starts
Natasha Pepperl
Dearly Ignored
Ronna Bloom
The Year We Considered Foster Care
Sunni Brown Wilkinson
Ghazal With Malbec, No Cigarettes
Oxytocin Pandemic Love Poem
Lisa Richter
The Retrograde of a Frigid Planet
Self-Portrait as an Internal Dialogue on Rue St-Laurent, 2016
Lauren Turner
No Fixed Thing Space Follows Adam Day
Self-Portrait as Used Condom Riding the Wonder Wheel
Melissa Eleftherion
White Rhino (Ceratotherium simum)
Coyote (Canis latrans)
Blue Morpho Butterfly (Morpho menelaus)
Jordan Mounteer
arma virumque cano
Revelation on Baptist Hill
Libby Maxey
The Deer Who Sneak Into Father's Butchering Shack at Night
L M Schmidt
Flash Flood
Samantha Jones

Dearly Ignored,
This message is being relayed to you from inside your cells
where you feel the ratcheting, the festering wounds.
Which of the many can raise their invisible mitochondria
and wave, me, I have been festering for 10 billion years
since the dawn of the Pleistocene era. I believe you.
These are wounds speaking to their wounds
and saying unto you even before this language
we exist.
Are we talking past lives? I have no answer.
But traces. Even without memory.
Once you were running in the desert and saw a hut
and thought it was near but you ran and ran and it was
still far. Near and far are so confusing.
Wounds are like that, constantly appearing on the horizon.
I can feel you wanting me to find something positive here.
Please let us not rush.
Dearly Ignored, for how long have they misread
your name, calling you beloved when you felt
none of it? This too is your birthright.
The ow of having been brought here and told be happy.
And the surprise when happiness indeed came
up within you. The first humorist must’ve been
an infant, singing in their bed,
their arms wound around their heads.
But who can really remember being that baby?
Maybe in a dream, when you feel that lurch awake
in the middle of the night you will know it's you
I've been talking to. Take in
a breath slow to know the air within you
is also around you. No better or worse. Same air,
ignored and beloved.