spring 2014
Table of Contents
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The Day The Rain Stopped
Jane Mellor
An Interview with a Caribou Richard Kelly Kemick
In the South Chilcotins
The Shell
Rob Taylor
Ariadne: the untangler
Fiona Mitchell
The Last Year of His Life Barbara Brooks
Poem for Jeff
Poetry Shortage
Kayla Czaga
No Small Effort Joseph Dorazio
We Are At Our Best
When the Rain Ceases Falling on Hanover
Richard-Yves Sitoski
Lost and Found Things I Noticed . . . Ricky Garni

We Are At Our Best
we are at our best
on sunblind days
when we can walk together
in the ankle-deep creek
that leads to the falls
where I can strip and bathe
knowing you won't care
and you can pile flat stones
to make inukshuks
your concentration becoming
a quiet smile
when a wet stone slips
and another little man
collapses under your hands