fall 2013
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The New Old Voice
Jenni B. Baker
For the Directions The Future of Music Jen Currin
You Should Grow a Moustache William Doreski
The Unmanageable, A Cure Colin James
Engineering Processing Craig Kurtz
Brother Ellen MacDonald-Kramer
What Seems Solid Karen Neuberg
City Life: Citizen City Life: Summer Parties Laura Ritland
My son watching me smoke Sarah Roebuck
Testing Testing Is This Thing On
Russel Swensen
Pitcher Scales Russell Thornton
The Unmanageable, A Cure
Above, on the balcony three wrought iron
chairs and Quincy Granite table.
Below, the road stalls enters a wood
ends at a litter filled rusted car.
There is a fussed over salt shaker
practical for both cravings
and it's carried with anatomical care.
The trees are mostly willow,
no one bothering to authenticate
their indigenous placement nor
the tiara in your beehive hair.