fall 2013
Table of Contents
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The New Old Voice
Jenni B. Baker
For the Directions The Future of Music Jen Currin
You Should Grow a Moustache William Doreski
C.S. Fuqua
The Unmanageable, A Cure Colin James
Engineering Processing Craig Kurtz
Brother Ellen MacDonald-Kramer
What Seems Solid Karen Neuberg
City Life: Citizen City Life: Summer Parties Laura Ritland
My son watching me smoke Sarah Roebuck
Testing Testing Is This Thing On
Russel Swensen
Pitcher Scales Russell Thornton

At the card table in the dark room with one window,
she grinned over the multi-hundred-piece puzzle,
and said the other teachers had known
about the paddle Campbell used,
the closet, the verbal abuse,
the ripped vaccination scabs,
but Campbell had been the principal's friend.
I did what I could, getting you into choir,
even when she said you'd be a problem.
But you weren't. None of you were.
Campbell, she recalled, never married
and quit a couple of years later
when parents refused to sit pat.
The kid who wet himself each day —
Suicide, I tell her.
She slips in a piece of the puzzle.
I'm glad you came, she says,
and stretches to close the blind,
then spots another piece to fit.
I hope it helps.
I thank her, wish her well,
leave her in that room
as I step into heat and sunshine
to thread my way to another address,
looking for someone
who may tell me more.