
The Maynard
Spring 2018

Kaye Miller

The Graveyard Metaphor for Euphoria

Minding the daffodils,
we walk our bikes through the cemetery.
A bright April day and the year unfolding
cherry petals, midday sun, origami of leaves.
Since your surgery, we’ve been walking a lot—
we take any chance to slow.

A granite angel drapes herself over a stone
chiseled with your former name, but for the first time,
you don’t imagine yourself in that grave.
And I don’t turn you away.

The bike handles cool in my palms,
the sun on your back,
and your shirt lays flat on your chest.
I love how firmly you hug me, now.
We used to stare down the barrel of your past life,
but not anymore.

Because of bright air
and the daffodils,
we roll our bikes down to the beach—
the sea just sparkling, the sky just blue.