fall 2020
Table of Contents
Return to Home Pageverses upon the burning of our house Amanda Merpaw
Okapi Wood Bison Kristi Maxwell
from Vanishing Twin Syndrome: VII James Cagney
The Narrow Road to Deep Marriage John Wall Barger
Bingo Card for the End Times Milla van der Have
Fragments of a World Dayna Patterson
One exists The embroidering light you learn J.I. Kleinberg
Routes on the Red Subarctic Archipelago Tongue Heather Simeney MacLeod
My Father's House A.N. Higgins
Bracketed A Post-Apocalyptic Nightmare Danielle Badra
Netsuke When We Wake Together in a Lost City Iris Jamahl Dunkle
The Northern Flicker Identic Andrew Lafleche
Pattern Recognition Tolu Oloruntoba
Horses Innocence, Experience Ryan Eavis
Neurons, Metal, Seed Reading Rocks and Mountains Susan Landgraf
What We Do When We Run Out of Elephants Shareen K. Murayama
In a Dark Field Jesse Sensibar
Horses Innocence, Experience
Somewhere in a half-life the horse in trust
you mount, wearily will as far as dark
water carry, and more still that you must
attend. All things you are that with time’s mark
appear to him only but vaguely known,
and there is naught to say as his path here
ends. Choice that needs no thought from you; come down
and wherefrom he drinks, Look; of the water
telling uncommon things; asking belief
of the mirror in revealing your strange
compare, stranger again in to concede
familiarity though you remain.
Go now, but leave the horse who cannot chase;
And where you will go, another horse waits.