spring 2017
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Dear Miss Parker
Dear Mama
Chelene Knight
Prayer For Our Past Selves
Esther McPhee
from Electric Garden
Amanda Earl
Romeo, Romeo, WTF?
P.C. Vandall
The Lady or the Tiger? Michelle Brooks
Inside My House
Gleaning Stones
Onjana Yawnghwe
Aztlan Travels Emiliano Sepulveda
Singing in Dark Times
Bhaswati Ghosh
Straight Waiting
Sugar le Fae
A Coke and a KitKat
Spenser Smith
box cars paper plates annie ross
Red Sarongs
Chelsea Comeau
First Loves in Brevoort Park
Body Analysis
Erin Hiebert
from Glossary of Musical Terms rob mclennan
Constantly Looking, Admitting Nothing
Paul Douglas McNeill II
We Could Have Called Him Joe, We Didn't
Juliane Okot Bitek

Straight Waiting
All the straight waiters at work
make it a point to touch me
once a shift at least, to treat me
to the same fraternal gestures:
the shoulder-hold, the fist-bump,
one of those inane handshakes
they dole out in high school
I still can’t seem to do.
Robert, the elder waiter, prefers
a gentle backslap. Dominic,
of “pure French Creole” stock,
backhands my bicep all shift,
chirpin’ “Ya heard me?”
Marquis, one of the bussers,
bulldozes my shoulder blades
with his forehead.
When I point out this straight
male propensity for physical
affection to Dinos, he says
“You’re just saying that
cuz you’re gay,” and he’s right;
that doesn’t make me wrong.