fall 2020
Table of Contents
Return to Home PageThe Northern Flicker Identic Andrew Lafleche
Fragments of a World Dayna Patterson
One exists The embroidering light you learn J.I. Kleinberg
Pattern Recognition Tolu Oloruntoba
The Narrow Road to Deep Marriage John Wall Barger
In a Dark Field Jesse Sensibar
Netsuke When We Wake Together in a Lost City Iris Jamahl Dunkle
Neurons, Metal, Seed Reading Rocks and Mountains Susan Landgraf
Routes on the Red Subarctic Archipelago Tongue Heather Simeney MacLeod
My Father's House A.N. Higgins
Bracketed A Post-Apocalyptic Nightmare Danielle Badra
Bingo Card for the End Times Milla van der Have
Okapi Wood Bison Kristi Maxwell
Horses Innocence, Experience Ryan Eavis
from Vanishing Twin Syndrome: VII James Cagney
verses upon the burning of our house Amanda Merpaw
What We Do When We Run Out of Elephants Shareen K. Murayama
In a Dark Field
In a dark field—
in a field you will never see
two boys came to fight.
In a field filled with color
green splashed with drops of blazing orange
a boy sat with himself.