fall 2016
Table of Contents
Return to Home PageThat Night She Happened So Easy Nicomekl River Claire Matthews
Notes From a Relationship with Hades (#1)
Cindy Pereira
Penmanship in Catholic School James Valvis
Unquiet Slumbers for the Sleepers Stuart A. Paterson
Tuesday Shared Accommodation Shaun Robinson
common time
cloud variations
Rachelle Pinnow
Livingston Cape Celyn Adam Day
With Their Flicker Fork Tongues, Snakes Taste the Bitter, Bright Air Blue Moon Enters the Street Arleen Paré
Indian (4) Blood Quantum (8-9) Jordan Abel
A Little Soap Work
Leena Niemela
Sigmund Freud, Action Figure Meghan Bell
10 words repeated
Falcon oHara
12:33 AM
What Colour is That?
Mormei Zanke
sometimes old name warning: leaf kotasek
* (You test each hole for winter) * (Your shadow spreads across) * (Shielding your lips this stone) Simon Perchik
After Jim Morrison, May 1985
Manny Blacksher
Certain Things You Should Know About Rusty
Kathleen M. Heideman

10 words repeated
My angel, my angel of mercy, my good neighbour Michel Bluebird, all 110 pounds of him, all five foot two of him, brings me cherries, a Bartlett pear, and Coconut Bliss my two days in post gall bladder surgery hospital room. He brings me novelties, besides the novelty of his presence: his extravagant simplicity, his polka dot bow ties, his lime green sneakers, his dog like loyalty, the fidelity of his verse, reading me poetry, ransoming his passion through thick, black-framed spectacles as I struggle to keep from laughing out the stitches in my side.
My good neighbour, Michel Bluebird, his dogged love, his madcap humour, my two-spirited nightingale is dying of AIDS as I ransom my passion through the last immaculate moments we share in a different ward of the same hospital, windows filled with afternoon light. I bring him cherries, a Bartlett pear, pass on the Coconut Bliss—he couldn’t keep it down—all five foot two of him, not even a hundred pounds of him, my angel of mercy, my good neighbour.
So little to do at the end, holding his hand, bathing his forehead with rose water, remembering the moments, sacred and profane: the laughter, the vanilla pistachio fudge, the Hallowe’en costumes, the shrieking through ill-insulated walls of mad passion with his lovers, the novelty of his echo in my mind, my heart, my good neighbour Michel Bluebird, all thirty-two years of him, all song and poetry of him, dog loyal, the fidelity of his simple, heartfelt love.