spring 2014
Table of Contents
Return to Home PageIntroduction
Poem for Jeff Poetry Shortage Kayla Czaga
The Ford Takes Us to Wreck Beach Melissa Sawatsky
The Day The Rain Stopped Jane Mellor
Ariadne: the untangler Fiona Mitchell
Lost and Found Things I Noticed . . . Ricky Garni
The Last Year of His Life Barbara Brooks
An Interview with a Caribou Richard Kelly Kemick
I Invent a Character Before Lunch Steve Klepetar
No Small Effort Joseph Dorazio
We Are At Our Best When the Rain Ceases Falling on Hanover Richard-Yves Sitoski
In the South Chilcotins The Shell Rob Taylor
Only Connect
As the poems in The Maynard's Spring 2014 issue reached out to us, they seemed to reach out to one another as well. We were struck by the creative power of synchronicity, and the cohesiveness it lends to the voice of the 17 poets featured in this issue. We are excited to introduce cover art for the first time. The design for this issue was created by local artist Yuka Aoki – click on the cover in the upper right corner for a higher resolution image.
We were once again honored by the response to our call for submissions, both for poems and for cover art, and are grateful for the opportunity to connect with authors and artists from around the world. A special thank you as well to all the authors who took the time to send us audio recordings of their work; we have more than doubled the number of recordings in this issue.
You may notice an interesting feature of this issue: each time you visit us, the poems are presented in a new order. The arrangement remains the same throughout your visit, but changes again when you come back later. We thought this was an interesting way to make each visit to the issue a slightly different experience, and highlight different connections between the works. We welcome your feedback (you can find our contact information on the main page under the submissions section).
We proudly present Spring 2014 issue of The Maynard.
Raoul Fernandes, Mark Hoadley, Ram Randhawa
editors, The Maynard
April 2014